fear or sensation caused by nocturnal emissions accompanied by dreams, but
may have been actual persons fond of doing this. All through the ages this
rocks practice prevailed; in primitive times
Off-beat fellators; draculas, camilles & peter pans The vampire is a nocturnal demon, a dead person who comes out of the grave, to suck the soul or the blood out of his victims, or to eat out the hearts of the living. This superstition is an effort to account for wasting diseases, as tuberculosis, etc. There are two theories of what vampires are; the one just stated being the more common one. But they are also some times thought to be like the were-wolves, sorcerers or witches cannibalistically inclined, who can change them selves in form. By "strength" some times is meant semen; the vampires are also nocturnal demons who sucked the strength from the penises of their victims; this was sometimes merely a
READERS Write (continued) (continued from Page 32) its etiology is thought to involve a defense mechanism, while heterosexual behavior, which is thought not to involve a defense mechan ism, is not seen as "compulsive." If I am right so far, what practical difference does this make? That is, do individual homosexuals differ from individual heterosex. uals in regard to their ability to control either as the tendency to "fall in love" or to be sexually attracted, or (b) their ensuing behavior? If they do not differ (or if there is not enough evidence to say whether they differ what is the significance of the term "compulsive"?-Miss F. C.
sucking or kissing the penis of a chief was like the king's touch in England or France, a cure for many troubles; it was supposed to be especially efficacious for curing sterility in women. Among the Druses the Sheik or chief grants audiences on certain days to women who wish to kiss his penis for this purpose... Mohammedan women kiss the penis of a priest or of an idiot, neither of which is supposed to be erotically effected by such a caress. Sucking the fresh semen is sometimes now considered a sovereign remedy for wasting diseases, or, as in the houses of prostitution, an unfailing cosmetic remedy to produce a fine complexion. Anyhow, when surreptitiously done by night-prowlers, the latter were taken to be vampires and the victim was too frightened to make any outcły (taken from Dr. O. A. Wall, Sex and Sex Worship St. Louis: C. V. Mosby Company, 1919.)
REVIEW EDITOR: I have enjoyed the is sues of Mattachine REVIEW which I have seen. I like your short news items, BOOKS, BIBLIOGRAPHY, and, in general your longer features. Your fiction often leaves something to be desired. I thought the conclusion of Arthur Freeman's article "Schoolboy Homosexuality" was very silly: "There is no substitute for girls." OF COURSE there is no substitute for girls. There is no substitute for rainbows or flowers or boys or men. I have no idea what Arthur Freeman hoped to prove by this obvious statement. Your article "How can we reach teen-agers 'coming out''' was particularly important. I hope your readers respond to it.—Mr. F. A. W., N. Y.
mattachine REVIEW
REVIEW EDITOR: In your April Readers Write, P. B. asks why there is no Italian homosexual publication. Answering a question like that presents a certain danger of generalizing of personal premises to none personal conclusions. On the other hand, I know the country quite well, and have many contacts in this field. The Italian, and the Latin in general, is much less in terested in reading. Leisure time is taken up by talking, movies, being together with friends in the coffee houses, and endless walking up and down in the streets and parks. The Italian is an extremely pro nounced individualist and does not fit well into group thinking or feeling. Thus he does not like to be labelled with any categorical description. Although homosexual relations are not forbidden bylaw, the aver age Italian is very touchy and prudish about the topic, particularly because of his church education. In spite of his individualism in the sexual field, he wants to be a full conformist. Being rather "male conscious," he despises the idea of being taken for a homosexual which to him is identical with being effeminate. Even with a high fre quency of homosexual contacts, he wants to be at least considered the "male" part and never identifies himself with a "queer." To find somebody in this country who would take the responsibility of a job like Rolf's in Zurich for Der Kreis or as you people for the Mattachine REVIEW, would need more than one lamp of Dionysos. The clo sing of the legalized brothels by the Merlin Law has made life for the average Italian not easier and actually opened one more
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door for homosexual activities literature can be found quite and even very good ones which treat this topic. In film production there are only few which touch the issue and when there is anything like that on the screen, It Is not very much discussed. The subject is rather taboo. The recent scandals discussed in the newspapers more from the viewpoint of "vice" to corrupt minors and not as to whether there were males or females involved. The law does not make any difference in this respect. From 14-18 there must be legal accusing action and the proof that there can be talk about "'seduction." Most of the cases tried have been an offense to public pride: acts In parks, lavatories, movies, or cars, When discovered the press takes up the topic with the usual terminology: vice, corrup tion, contra naturam, etc. In the army the status for the soldier changes and he is not allowed to have sexual relations with men. If found out he will get into disciplin ary trouble. There is no question that you can find here in Italy with more facility than in northern countries more men who will engage in this kind of sexual outlet and who are less basically homosexual. Prostitution is found in all the city areas' and in the famous summer resorts. But you do not find as in other countries the usual gathering places as bars or clubs. On the whole there is no homosexual "problem" to be discussed. One solves it in living it. Therefore, no homosexual publication. S. K., Milan, Italy
-Open to all persons over 21 years of age seriously in terested in aiding solution of human sex behavior problems. Participation in activities of established Mattachine Area Councils not required. Principal purpose of subscribing membership is to provide the organization and its publications with vital financial sup port. Included are subscription to Mattachine Review (monthly) and Interim (quarterly), Fee, $15.00 per year. Please make check or money order payable to Mattachine Society, Inc., San Francisco 5, Calif. Subscribing members may attend meetings of the Society and its Area Councils, but may not vote unless qualified to active membership by pay. ment of local dues and accepted by Area Council concerned in accordance with local rules for active membership.